Sunday, November 30, 2008


Do you ever wish you had made different decisions in your life? I often wonder where I would be had I have chosen a different path. Had I gone to a different college, what would I have studied?Had I gone to a different college, would I still be in Nashville? Had I stayed at home, would my life be as it is right now? Had I said that one thought that was constantly on my mind, would things be different? Had I not said that one thought that was falling off my tongue, would things be different? The choices we make impact our lives so much more than I can fathom. No one knows if a choice he/she makes will bring them good or bad. It if will lead him/her down the 'right' path. But is there a wrong path? If we trust in God, shouldn't the path lead to the same place? I sometimes forget that just because it may be difficult does not mean it is the wrong way. He did say the way will be long and hard, so I will have trust and faith in Him to guide me.