Friday, January 18, 2008

Workshop Class Wooden Bear

When I was in 7th grade, I went to lovely Riverton Elementary School. 1997-1998 was an alright school year for me. I had major surgery and missed a lot of school, but all in all I enjoyed that year. When I was hopped up on morphine and strapped up to an at home IV system most would think a little tike like me would be discouraged. But, being the optimist that I am, I found the good in that whole situation. My yearbook picture. Laugh all you want, but my yearbook picture from that year was and will remain my all time favorite yearbook picture of all time! I was wearing my favorite sweater. I wore my favorite khakis. My hair was long and straight. I just came for the picture then went back home for another round of antibiotic with my at home IV. That is one killer picture! If I had it handy I would post it to show that I was a good looking 7th grader even when I was sick!

I suppose I say all of that to say, I am one heck of a procrastinator! Take now for example: It is 3am, I have a 3 page paper to write by tomorrow morning by 8am about the topic in which I have chosen to write my 20-25 page paper due at the end of the semester. Am I fretting about the fact that I have yet to even choose a specific topic? No. "Why?" you ask. Well, it's really hard to say. It might be because I am so tired that I don't want to write a formal paper. Or, it could be the fact that I do not want to write a complete bogus (thats right 1990s! I stole your word!) paper on an obscure topic that I may or may not even use.

The fact of the matter is, I went to a Nashville Predator's game tonight with my roommate and another friend and sat in $120 seats for FREE! You read that right...F-R-E-E! AND we were on the jumbo-tron! It's tough coming off of a high from such a fun night at the Sommet Center. The only other time I had that much fun there was at a John Mayer concert, and, let's be honest, do the Preds top John Mayer?! I submit that they do not!!

Perhaps next time I will take the time to investigate new up and coming music/artists so that my avid readers will not be disappointed. Thank you for your loyalty through the good and the bad!

1 comment:

Barry said...

I like your first freestyle post. Very nice. I look forward to more of your work.