Friday, November 30, 2007

My Gift is My Song

As my final "required" entry, I wondered what to write about. I could do a complete over view of what I have discussed over the course of this blog, but that would be boring. I could introduce a brand new artist that would entice all of my avid readers to come back and check up on things. Or perhaps just ramble about life lessons I have learned from being apart of this blog. However, all of those things are boring and not in the least bit interesting.
So, seeing that it is almost December and Christmas is right around the corner, I can't help but think of how Christmas has changed throughout my years. When I was a little girl, as most kids do, could hardly sleep in the anticipation of all the presents Santa would bring me. Although I still enjoy receiving gifts and giving gifts, the older I get, the more I realize how little gifts actually have to do with Christmas. My family is so important to me, and the time I get to spend with them during this holiday season is a time that I cherish and look forward to, even more that the baby doll dentist chair I got when I was four.
My family is very musical and, most of the time, when we get together some form of singing occurs. Even if it is "Happy Birthday" we usually have four part harmony. Music enhances life to its greatest potential. Without it our lives would truly be missing out on life's greatest gifts! I'm reminded of the song "Your Song" from the movie Moulin Rouge. "My gift is my song, and this one's for you." Give a gift of a song this year. Write a song, give a song, or a whole album to someone you love. Spread Christmas cheer and love to all this holiday season!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you can't stop posting now...i just found your blog! more, more, more!