Sunday, January 25, 2009

City of Angels

Is the feeling of rain on your skin worth giving up eternity? Is the knowledge of true love worth forever? Today I watched 'City of Angels' for the first time. I know, I know. Where have I been, right? It was sad, the music was great, and I love Meg Ryan. During the whole movie, however, I was wondering what the point/message the writer/producer was trying to make. Is heaven and eternity worth giving up just to 'feel' or just to have love? Does it mean that angels (given free will) are selfish? Enlighten me on your thoughts.

I did like this quote from the movie, said at the end: 'Someone dying isn't punishment, it is life.'


Mindy said...

I agree. I liked the movie for the tearjerker aspect of it, but I 100% disagreed with the logic. I always thought it was crazy to give up eternity just to touch somebody and feel love. Now, don't get me wrong. I sure do lov feeling and loving my husband. I believe it's one of God's greatest blessings, but I can't imagine that Heaven isn't better...

April said...

Oh Susan... do you have to think so much when you're watching a movie?? haha... just enjoy it for what it is! :) And yeah... where HAVE you been?... that movie is so old... I can't believe this was the first time you watched it. I really like the movie... but Nicholas Cage creeps me out. :-/