Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ice Cream Dream

Tonight when I got done working out I went to Chick-Fil-A for a healthy dinner (grilled chicken sandwich and a salad, yum!). I sat in a middle booth and after I got situated I looked up and there was a man eating an ice cream cone sitting in the booth across from me. We smiled and continued eating. When he was done eating his ice cream, he commented on how healthy I was eating ( I was trying). Then he asked me if I was a dancer, ha. Kind of a random question, but that opened a door for many different topics to discuss. He said he is church of Christ, I said I was too, and we began discussing different congregations around town. Come to find out, his cousin married my high school principal, he is from Fayettville and he had 2 single sons (ha). Although he didn't show me a picture or really try to 'hook me up' with his sons, he did tell me about their professions and how proud he was of them. We had a lovely talk. It made my day complete because a kind man took time to speak to me because I was sitting alone. Go out of your way to be kind to people. You never know when someone might be having a bad day or just need a 'pick me up' conversation. Even a good day becomes better instantly when kindness is shown.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Amen. What a great story, and a great lesson. :)