Friday, January 4, 2013

Avacado Chicken Salad- One of my Summer Favorites!

This is one of my favorite dishes I found on Pinterest! I've only made it a few times, but I'm looking forward to lunch time in the summer!

(The recipe I found didn't have measurements so these are my suggested measurements)

2 Avacados
2 Cups of Chicken (I used canned)
2 tbsp of Cilantro, finely chopped
1 Green Onion, finely chopped (I used the whole thing, greens and all)
1/2 of a Lime
Salt and Pepper to taste

Scoop out the Avocado of both avocados into a bowl. With a fork, begin to mush the avocado. Add the lime (when added first, it helps the mushing process). Add more lime if needed. Stir in cilantro, then onion, then salt and pepper. After it is all mixed up and mushy, fold in the Chicken. Stir until all of the chicken is covered.

The great thing about this is you can make it with 1 Avocado or with 3. Also, just like guacamole, you can add too, or take away, depending on your preference.

This can be eaten with crackers, chips or on a sandwich/wrap.


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